Design Details

382: Designing Phygital Experiences

Episode Summary

This week, we talk about designing experiences that weave between meatspace and screens. In The Sidebar, Marshall gives a deep dive into using modifier keys to level up your Figma productivity.

Episode Notes

This week, we talk about designing experiences that weave between meatspace and screens. In The Sidebar, Marshall gives a deep dive into using modifier keys to level up your Figma productivity.

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The Sidebar:

The Sidebar is an exclusive weekly segment for our Patreon supporters. You can subscribe starting at $1 per month for access to full episodes going forward! Sign up at

In this week's Sidebar, we dig into the power of modifier keys in Figma, sharing our tips and tricks for making the most use of ⌘, ⌥, and ⇧.

Follow up:

Main Topic:

Flyingjuggernaut asks: Your thoughts on designing for phygital and omni-channel experiences?

Some good examples that came to mind:

Cool Things:

Design Details on the Web:
