Design Details

379: Shipping Personal Projects

Episode Summary

This week, we talk through our playbook for shipping personal projects. In The Sidebar, we weigh the tradeoffs of building an online persona. Should designers thought lead?

Episode Notes

This week, we talk through our playbook for shipping personal projects. In The Sidebar, we weigh the tradeoffs of building an online persona. Should designers thought lead?

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The Sidebar:

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In this week's Sidebar, Karl asks: Where do you both land on the idea of having a web presence that is focused on showcasing your opinion versus showcasing your work?

Follow up:

We reflect on our 2020 goals, and think about the year ahead. Listen to our 2020 goals episode from a year ago.


Main topic:

Michael Knepprath asks: Do you have a checklist you run through when launching new products or features? Also, is Product Hunt as important as it used to be for this?

Cool Things:

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