Design Details

376: Shipping Quality UI

Episode Summary

This week, we talk about tips and processes for shipping a high quality UI. In The Sidebar, we discuss the Silicon Valley trend of job hopping every few years.

Episode Notes

This week, we talk about tips and processes for shipping a high quality UI. In The Sidebar, we discuss the Silicon Valley trend of job hopping every few years.

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The Sidebar:

The Sidebar is an exclusive weekly segment for our Patreon supporters. You can subscribe starting at $1 per month for access to full episodes going forward! Sign up at

In this week's Sidebar, we answer a listener question: how long should you stay at a company before moving on? We weigh the tradeoffs of specializing in an industry, the downsides of Silicon Valley job-hopping culture, and more.

Follow up:

Main topic:

This week we answered a listener question sent to us in the direct messages: Should designers perform UI reviews after dev implementation, or should QA be responsible for that?

Cool Things:

Design Details on the Web:

Bye bye!